(1) 开始—运行,输入tsconfig.msc,打开远程桌面主机会话配置。右键RDP-Tcp,属性。
“常规”选项卡,安全性,安全层更改为“SSL (TLS 1.0)”,加密级别设为“高”。
(2) 开始—运行,输入“gpedit.msc”,打开本地组策略编辑器。
计算机配置\管理模板\Windows 组件\远程桌面服务\远程桌面会话主机\远程会话环境
l 启用 在“关机”对话框中删除“关机”和重新启动。以防止不熟悉的管理员意外把远程桌面服务器关机或重启。
l 禁用 “关机”对话框无改变
重启服务器命令:shutdown –r -f –t 0 (强制计算机立即重启)
关闭服务器命令:shutdown –s -f –t 0 (强制计算机立即关机)
(3) 更改控制面板类文件的权限
l 取得c:\windows\system32\*.msc文件的所有权为administrats组。在目录c:\windows\system32\*.msc默认的文件所有者为TrustedInstaller。
takeown /F c:\windows\system32\*.msc /A
l 删除c:\windows\system32\*.msc文件的的所有权限。
for /R c:\windows\system32 %i in (*.msc) do cscript d:\xcacls.vbs %i /E /R "BUILTIN\users"
Starting XCACLS.VBS (Version: 5.2) Script at 2009/12/31 13:57:19
* Script not tested on this version of Windows *
This script hasn't been tested on version "6.1" of Windows.
Currently, the script has been tested on the following:
Win2000, WinXP, Win2003
Previous versions of Windows NT can use:
"XCACLS.EXE" from the NT 4.0 Resource Kit.
For more recent versions, there may be an update to this script.
Please contact David Burrell (dburrell@microsoft.com)
Note: WMI must be installed for this script to function.
If you need to run this script on the current OS,
and you verified WMI is installed, do the following:
open this script in Notepad
search for Function IsOSSupported()
change this line:
Case "5.0", "5.1", "5.2"
Case "5.0", "5.1", "5.2", "6.1"
Save the script.
Exiting script now.
Operation Complete
Elapsed Time: .078125 seconds.
Ending Script at 2009/12/31 13:57:19
看上面的提示:我们知道Xcacls.vbs在编写时只有Win2000, WinXP, Win2003,因此对于Win2008不认识,提示中指明了修改的方法:
编辑文件Xcacls.vbs,查找Function IsOSSupported(),把这一行Case "5.0", "5.1", "5.2"更改为Case "5.0", "5.1", "5.2", "6.1"。这样Xcacls.vbs就可以识别Win2008了。